Reliable reflective sheeting manufacturer in China!
Our prismatic sign materials have been used in highway, urban and suburban roads in all around the world!

Standards: ASTM D4956 | AS/NZS 1906.1:2017 | EN12899-1 | GB/T 18833,GOST 32945 | JIS Z 9117
Looking for a reliable, quick-turn supplier of reflective sheeting for your road signs projects?
With over 2 decades of experience in R&D and manufacturing, our unmatched in-house capacity ensures your reflective sheeting are shipped on-time, and meet your local regulations with very competitive pricing. Our reflective sheeting meet the standards like Standards: ASTM D4956, AS/NZS 1906.1:2017, EN12899-1, GOST 32945, JIS Z 9117 etc, and we could offer third party test reports in all products.

Our technology incorporates both glass bead and micro-prismatic optical capabilities. Underlying our prismatic products are our micro-replication and proprietary optical tooling technologies, which enables us to form over 53,000 micro-psrisms per square inch of film.
Our research and development team has extensive experience with adhesives, polymers, and optics to design high-performing products. We invest heavily in research to develop new intellectual property with the goal of bringing new and innovative products to market each year.
Materials we use in Reflective sheeting






Standards of Reflective sheeting
Standard Specification for Retro-reflective Sheeting for Traffic Control1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4956; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last re-approval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or re-approval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope
1.1 This specification covers flexible, non-exposed glass bead lens and microprismatic, retroreflective sheeting designed for use on traffic control signs, delineators, barricades, and other devices.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test methods portion, Section 7, of this specification. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
For more info, you check the full version here: ASTM D4956_04
Fixed, vertical road traffic signs – Part 1: Fixed signs
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 4 February 2007.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the
official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
This document (EN 12899-1:2007) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 226 ”Road equipment” the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 2008, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by August 2009.
This document supersedes EN 12899-1:2001.
This European Standard has been prepared under a Mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of EU Directives.
For relationships with EU Directives, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this standard.
This European Standard consists of the following Parts under the general title:
Fixed, vertical road traffic signs —
Part 1: (This part) Fixed signs
Part 2: Transilluminated traffic bollards (TTB)
Part 3: Delineator posts and retroreflectors
Part 4: Factory production control
Part 5: Initial type testing
It is based on performance requirements and test methods published in CEN, CENELEC, CIE (International Commission on Illumination) and ISO documents together with standards of the CEN member organizations.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
For more info, you check the full version here: EN12899-1
Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes – Part 1: Retroreflective sheeting
Specifies the performance requirements for retroreflective sheeting used in the manufacture of road signs and related traffic control devices. It does not apply to retroreflective pavement markings.
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Australia/New Zealand Committee MS-049, Retroreflective Devices and supersedes AS/NZS 1906.1:1993, Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes, Part 1: Retroreflective materials.
It is one of a series of Standards on retroreflective devices as follows:
1906 Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes
1906.1 Part 1: Retroreflective sheeting (this Standard)
1906.2 Part 2: Retroreflective devices (non-pavement application)
1906.4 Part 4: High visibility materials for safety garments
1906 Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes
1906.3 Part 3: Raised pavement markers (retroreflective and non-retroreflective)
The objective of this Standard is to provide road authorities, manufacturers and testing
authorities with a uniform supply specification for retroreflective sheeting.
The following are the principal changes and additions to this edition:
(a) Introduction of Class 1W microprismatic retroreflective sheeting.
(b) Introduction of retroreflective sheeting specifically designed for motor vehicle
number plates.
(c) CIL and colour specification and measurement for fluorescent sheeting.
(d) Specification of durability test exposures in terms of radiant energy received rather
than by exposure time.
(e) Revised test for performance under simulated rainfall conditions.
(f) New informative appendix on selection and use of sheeting.
The terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in this Standard to define the
application of the appendix to which they apply. A ‘normative’ appendix is an integral part
of a Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and guidance.
For more info, you check the full version here: ASNZS 1906.12017
KS A 3507:2010
㉿ 산업 및 교통안전용 재귀 반사 시트
Standard specification for retro-reflective sheeting for
traffic control & industrial safety
이 표준은 2009년 발행된 ASTM D 4956, Standard specification for retro-reflective sheeting for traffic
control을 기초로 기술적 내용 및 대응국제표준의 구성을 바탕으로 작성한 한국산업표준이다.
1 적용범위
이 표준은 다음에 사용되는 봉입 렌즈형과 캡슐 렌즈형, 프리즘형 재귀 반사 시트에 대하여 규정한다.
a) 도로, 궤도, 터널 속 등에서 교통의 안전과 원활한 진행을 위한 도로 표지, 그 밖의 도로 부속물,
차량, 전주 아랫부분, 건널목 울타리 등
b) 광산, 공장, 건설 작업장, 그 밖의 사업장의 야간 또는 어두운 곳에서의 재해 방지를 위해 KS A
3505에 규정하는 반사 안전 표지판 및 KS E 4100에 규정하는 광산 보안 경표, 그 밖의 보안모 등
2 인용표준
다음의 인용표준은 이 표준의 적용을 위해 필수적이다. 발행연도가 표기된 인용표준은 인용된 판만
을 적용한다. 발행연도가 표기되지 않은 인용표준은 최신판(모든 추록을 포함)을 적용한다.
KS A 0006, 시험 장소의 표준 상태
KS A 0061, XYZ색 표시계 및 X10 Y10 Z10색 표시계에 따른 색의 표시 방법
KS A 0062, 색의 3속성에 의한 표시 방법
KS A 0064, 색에 관한 용어
KS A 0066, 물체색의 측정 방법
KS A 0068, 광원색의 측정 방법
KS A 0084, 형광 물체색의 측정 방법
KS A 3505, 반사 안전 표지판
KS A 3513, 재귀성 반사체-광학적 특성-용어
KS A 3514, 재귀성 반사체-광학적 특성-측정 방법
KS B 5549, 크세논 아크 램프식 내광성 및 내후성 시험기
KS C 0074, 측색용 표준광 및 표준 광원
KS C 0075, 광원의 연색성 평가 방법
KS C IEC 60050-845, 국제전기기술용어-제845장:조명
KS D 6701, 알루미늄 및 알루미늄 합금의 판 및 조
KS E 4100, 광산 보안 경표
KS L 6004, 내수 연마지
KS A 3507:2010
For more info, you check the full version here: KS T 3507_2010
ГОСТ 32945—2014
Цели, основные принципы и основной порядок проведения работ по межгосударственной стан дартизации установлены в ГОСТ 1.0—2015 «Межгосударственная система стандартизации. Основные положения» и ГОСТ 1.2—2015 «Межгосударственная система стандартизации. Стандарты межгосудар
ственные, правила и рекомендации по межгосударственной стандартизации. Правила разработки, при нятия, обновления и отмены»
Сведения о стандарте
1 РАЗРАБОТАН республиканским дочерним унитарным предприятием «Белорусский дорожный научно-исследовательский институт «БелдорНИИ», Межгосударственным техническим комитетом по стандартизации МТК 418 «Дорожное хозяйство»
2 ВНЕСЕН Государственным комитетом по стандартизации Республики Беларусь
3 ПРИНЯТ Межгосударственным советом по стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации по пе реписке (протокол от 30 сентября 2014 г. № 70-П) За принятие проголосовали: Краткое наименование страны по MK (ИСО 3166) 004—97 Код страны по МК (ИСО 3166) 004—97 Сокращенное наименование национального органа по стандартизации Армения AM Минэкономики Республики Армения Беларусь BY Госстандарт Республики Беларусь Казахстан KZ Госстандарт Республики Казахстан Киргизия KG Кыргызстандарт Россия RU Росстандарт Таджикистан TJ Таджикстандарт
4 Приказом Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию и метрологии от 31 августа 2016 г. N2 991-ст межгосударственный стандарт ГОСТ 32945—2014 введен в действие в качестве на ционального стандарта Российской Федерации с 8 сентября 2016 г.
Информация об изменениях к настоящему стандарту публикуется в ежегодноминформаци онном указателе «Национальные стандарты», а текст изменений и поправок — в ежемесячном информационном указателе «Национальные стандарты». В случае пересмотра (замены) или от мены настоящего стандарта соответствующее уведомление будет опубликовано в ежемесячном информационном указателе «Национальные стандарты». Соответствующая информация, уведом ление и тексты размещаются также в информационной системе общего пользования — на офи циальном сайте Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию и метрологии в сети
Интернет (
Для получения дополнительной информации вы можете проверить полную версию здесь: GOST 32945 2014
日本工業規格 JIS
Z 9117:2011
Retroreflective materials
1 適用範囲
- a) 道路,軌道,トンネル内などにおける交通の安全及び交通の円滑化を図るための道路標識,その他道路の附属物,車両,電柱下部及び踏切柵
- b) 工場,鉱山,建設作業所及びその他の事業所において,夜間又は暗所における災害防止のための保安機材,JIS Z 9107に規定する安全標識,並びにJIS M 7001に規定する鉱山保安警標及び保安帽
2 引用規格
JIS H 4000 アルミニウム及びアルミニウム合金の板及び条
JIS K 2203 灯油
JIS K 2435-2 ベンゼン・トルエン・キシレン−第2部:トルエン
JIS K 2435-3 ベンゼン・トルエン・キシレン−第3部:キシレン
JIS K 7100 プラスチック−状態調節及び試験のための標準雰囲気
JIS K 7350-2 プラスチック−実験室光源による暴露試験方法−第2部:キセノンアークランプ
JIS K 7350-4 プラスチック−実験室光源による暴露試験方法−第4部:オープンフレームカーボン
JIS K 8891 メタノール(試薬)
JIS M 7001 鉱山保安警標
JIS R 6253 耐水研磨紙
JIS Z 0237 粘着テープ・粘着シート試験方法
JIS Z 8105 色に関する用語
JIS Z 8713 再帰性反射体−光学的特性−用語
JIS Z 8720 測色用標準イルミナント(標準の光)及び標準光源
JIS Z 8722 色の測定方法−反射及び透過物体色
JIS Z 8741 鏡面光沢度−測定方法
JIS Z 9107 安全標識−性能の分類,性能基準及び試験方法
詳細については、ここでフルバージョンを確認してください: JIS-Z-9117-1984-R2019-ENG.pdf
Packing Details

- Customizable carton packing to increase your branding
- Strong and reliable packing which will not crack or twisted while sea shipped.
- 30-35 KGS/carton according to different grades of prismatic sheeting.
- 24-30 rolls/pallet up to customer’s request.
- Do not double stack when storaging reflective sheeting’s pallets.
- Roll Size: 1,230 mm X 45.7 m, 48.4 in X 50 yds
- Typical quantity in 1 X 20 GP: 40 rolls/pallets, 8 pallets, 320 rolls in total
- Printing methods: Silk screen printing, UV printing, eco-solvent printing, HP latex printing.
- Store in a cool, dry area. Use within 1-year of receipt of the product.
Typical Usage Ranges among Various Grades of Sheeting
Typical Uses
Type I(ASTM)
Vehicle graphics
Advertising signs
Conspicuity markings
post-mounted signs
Barricades and other rigid temporary traffic control devices
Overhead signs
Internally-illuminated signs
Signs with fluorescent backgrounds
Visible Distance
200 ft
500 ft
1000 ft
1500 ft
Service Lifetime
1-3 years
3-5 years(glass beaded)
5-7 years(prismatic)
10 years
10-12 years
Digital Printing
Now digital printing becomes a trend in sign making. Because it saves much labor and could supply the signs to the customer is a very fast way with low quantity requirement.
Moreover, it is environmentally friendly compared to silk screen printing, because you don’t need to wash and clean the molding frequently and no more wasted ink.
SH Optical Tech’s products are all digitally printable, both beaded and prismatic products. Which is a plus compared to products of other brands.
Printers include HP printers( 360, 365, 370, 375 series), Avery UV printers, 3M EFI printer, Orafol printer, etcs.
Company Introduction
Why us?
About us
Shenghui Optical Tech had invested and pour huge funding of R&D into the retro-reflective industry since 1988, and get good fame from domestic and overseas partnters. Now Indian market becomes our new growing point, and we keep learning from our partner’s market insights.

Quick response
We receive and reply customer's inquiry 24/7, and our team are always ready to serve customers from different timezones.

Competitive Pricing
We offer competitive pricing compared to other brands. You will definately got good pricing if you are one of the big players.

No cracking issue
With optimized formula and face film, our tape eliminate the possibility of cracking when embossed.

We are not just selling tapes, we also promote equipments for manufacturing car license plates.

Local distributors
We also have local partnters in your area, and we are now seeking more partners so we could expand our service coverage.

Certified from ARAI
Yes, we already got certified by ARAI cause it is mandatory.
Start earning substantial profits in your country today!
Choosing the right prismatic sign sheeting supplier can be easy. SH Reflectives has helped customers in more than 20 countries to be successful and earn good profits. We also welcome you to become an exclusive distributor in your country.
After signing the agreement, we will not wholesale any other distributor more products to your country or region, your orders will be processed and shipped first. Click the buttons below, and let’s grow your business together.

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